how to make photo collage
Birthday party,  Cardboard craft,  DIY,  photo collage

How To Make Photo Collage For Birthday Party

How To Make Photo Collage For Birthday Party

My little one was turning 2 in the month of March and I wanted to make a photo collage to form 2 year memories. I spent some time browsing ideas on how to display my little one’s different milestones at his birthday party which can be done at a low cost. Then, I came across this magnificent photo collage in number or letter shape using cardboard sheets. I am super excited to share this project with you all!

If you are looking for more cardboard best out of waste crafts then you can check out my Cardboard coffee table and Christmas tree DIY.

This is a simple, cheap, and easy-to-make photo collage for the birthday party. Although, the toughest part was to select his photos from so many cutest pictures to put in! I was thrilled with how it turned out and it was hit at the party!

This photo collage will add glamour to your home and by looking at pictures of different milestones, you will cherish memories.

Also, It can be made in age number or the initial letter of the birthday person.

Try this DIY to gather together different milestones.

Let’s get started!

Material required:

  1. Cardboard sheets
  2. Photos (printed photos on normal paper using a printer)
  3. Box cutter
  4. Photos (can be of different sizes)
  5. Scissor
  6. Pen/pencil
  7. Glue/ mod podge
  8. Glue gun

Steps to follow:

Step 1:

Draw your number or letter on a cardboard sheet. It does not have to be perfect because you can adjust the shape while pasting pictures on it.

Step 2:

Cut out the cardboard sheet as per the number or letter traced. (Cut two cardboards in number or letter and paste them together with the help of a glue gun to make it steady)

How To Make Photo Collage For Birthday Party 1

Step 3:

Select photos of your little one of different milestones (I have selected all different photos from birth to 2 years. It was tough selecting the best out of the best photos).

Take a color printout of all the photos using the printer.

How To Make Photo Collage For Birthday Party 2

Step 4:

Now start sticking photos on 2 shape cardboard cut with the help of glue or mod podge. Adjust the photos by cutting them in the desired shape, do not leave any gap between photos. The curve can be tricky but you can stack them like a staircase as shown in the image.

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Voilà here is the amazing photo collage for the birthday party.